Here are a couple fall color pics. The last one is a flowering pear that we dug by hand out of our growing field. I would estimate the weight of the ball at around 2500lbs and the tree is over 20 ft. tall.
Here is a step by step sequence of a berm planting we installed recently. This berm features three quaking aspen. A nice addition that also helped solve a drainage issue by routing runoff water past the berm and down a hill.
Here are some fall pictures that I took last year. They are , from top to bottom- buckbrush, red oak, bittersweet, and bald cypress. Be sure to get out and see some color this fall! Fall tree digging season has begun, so plant a tree. It's also a perfect time to plant fall bulbs.
Welcome to the new Jerry's Nursery blog. We are a family owned and run nursery located in western Wyandotte county. This blog will be dedicated to current landscaping projects and other interesting info related to the nursery. Be sure to stop by often.